Meeting called to order at 9:05 am
BOG Members Present: Paul Yellen, Tom Annuli, Jay Moynihan, Patrick Burns, Polly Merritt Maglio, Matt Merritt, John Cunningham, Jim Zanavich
Special acknowledgments of service to OLS: Bud Smart, Bill Derosa- gates, barriers; George Finley- beach management; Julia Nixon- summer activities; Retired BOG Members- Jack Thomas and Mark Phelan; Paul Rowean- Past President and presentation of gift
Special Invited Guests- Candidates for Old Lyme First Selectman
Bonnie Reemsnyder and Cathy Carter. Each candidate gave their position on issues of importance to the OLS beach community.
Specific questions
Bonnie:” How will your study affect us? Will it delay us for sewers in any way?” The intention of the town was never to obstruct or delay efforts. Town will merge with the beaches to move forward.
Bonnie:” You said previously Old Lyme would work with us to continue to snowplow – how did you vote?” I voted to not plow private roads. There is garbage pick-up on all private roads. It is a fairness issue, not a town vs. beaches.
Cathy:” What will you do differently as it relates to the beach community?” The town must let the beaches move forward. Let the beaches hold the keys to moving forward to resolve the water problem. Do not to wait for studies to be completed by the town of OL.
Drainage Subcommittee Update – Patrick Burns
Pat met with OL DPW superintendent to address discharge pipes. All discharge pipes working well.
Doug Whalen, President of Old Colony Beach, gave a presentation on how Sheffield Brook will be restored. The Federal Government gave an 800K grant to fix the brook using only natural restoration without pipes. Another grant of 300K from the Department of Housing will allow the discharge pipe to be fixed. Sheffield Brook will be completely funded. This fix will include redoing the brook and restoring the wetlands. Since this is a grant for a municipality, the Federal Government was given an easement to come onto private property and it can never be built on. It is a Federal offense to throw clippings, etc. into the brook. The project will include restoration of wetlands, stream restoration, enhanced wildlife, and flora. This project will start by early spring 2016 and be done for the growing season.
WPCA Update – Jim Zanavich
Jim addressed the cost sharing agreement reached in June 2015 with the other 2 beaches. This agreement focuses on the force main and the pumping station. It has been finalized and needs to be voted on by the BOG of each of the 3 beaches. Projects within each association will remain in the control of their respective beaches. OLS will be responsible for approximately 30% of the cost of the agreement with the remainder shared by Old Colony Beach and Miami Beach. We are ready to negotiate with East Lyme and New London for acceptance of our waste water. Jim stated that OLS is moving forward and we cannot wait for the town. We will finalize our plans and put the project out to bid. September 2016 was given as a possible start date. The OLS community and Rt.156 can be done at the same time. If Soundview and Hawk’s Nest decide to join in, our pump station would be able accommodate their flow. Their cost share to be determined. The pump station will be located in Miami Beach with gravity fed lines. There is no need for a pump station within our association. The water and sewers will be done at the same time for cost effectiveness.
Night Security– Vassel Security was hired for night-time security and we will continue using them.
Gate Greeters/Summer Recreation Update – Polly Merritt-Maglio
This was the 2nd year with the greeters on the gates. They turned away over 75 cars. The recreation program went well. Plan to reduce the number of greeter hours from 126 to 96 in 2016.
Beach Maintenance Update – George Finley
George gave the beach an overall rating of C plus due to the coarseness of the sand because of storms. A decent job was done on seaweed removal. The town tested the water every week and found the bacteria count negligible. Moorings do not have to be pulled out this year.
Summer Activity Update – Julia Nixon
Fourth of July will be celebrated on July 2nd. Raindate on the 3rd. Michael Cleary will be on the 2nd. Ladies Brunch will be Thursday July 21st at Water’s Edge, The Block Party will be July 30th and Carousel Night will be August 6th.
Snow Plowing Update – Paul Yellen
Paul will continue to maintain supervision. This is the last year in our contract with this vendor. Looking to bid this job in the spring to other vendors.
OLS Website Update – John Cunningham
The goal going forward is to use the website for better communication. John is migrating the website to a new host for better performance with plans for more social media content and revamping over the winter. Members of the BOG will be able to access the website directly to add updates.
BOG Replacement
Matt Merritt- 3 year term 2015-2018
Budget / Expenses Update – Sheila DeLutrie
92% of all dues collected thus far. OLSBA is well positioned financially due to expense controls.
Traffic / Road Safety Concerns – Paul Yellen
Multiple complaints over the summer concerning speeding ignoring stop signs, and reckless driving
New subcommittee was formed to address these issues to be headed by Tom Annulli, and Jay Moynihan with owners represented on committee as well.
Golf Cart – Paul Yellen
OLSBA official position is that golf carts are not permitted.
Other New Business- Please follow OLS on the website
George Finley suggested pavers in honor of loved ones who have passed to make our roads look better. He suggested we could self-fund this project and start with Brightwater Road since it is the worst condition.
Have a great and safe winter.
Meeting Adjourned at 10:47 am.